10 Gifts To Add To Your Law School Care Package


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During these uncertain times, everyone is facing a level of unprecedented stress. Law Schools have all cancelled their graduation ceremonies, and law students all over the country are grappling with the new realities of the COVID-19 outbreak on the legal industry. A practical and thoughtful care package may be just what the law student in your life needs to make it through the end of the semester.

Here’s a little fun fact about me: my primary love language is acts of service… and my least significant love language is gift giving. But receiving a practical gift is like the perfect union of those two languages.

Here are 10 ideas for gifts to add to your next law school care package whether you are sending one to your sweetheart, child, or friend who is in law school right now studying and coping with online classes.

For each item I’ve selected several from Amazon that I think would make great additions to any care package for a law student.

1 – Socks or Slippers

I love thick slipper-socks. When I’m studying for hours on end, there is nothing most comfortable than having some soft and fluffy socks on my feet. But slipper socks are also much more durable for walking around in the house.

I also pack these slipper-socks in my purse and put them on when I’m sitting at my desk at work or in the library while studying. I have about three pairs, and I would still love more in a care package.

These slipper-socks are all affordable yet fun and comfortable. Don’t ask how I know.

2 – Head Phones

Every student needs a good pair of quality and durable headphones to study without distraction, to hear while exercising, or to just drown out noise. I prefer at least two noise-cancelling pairs of headphones: one Bluetooth set and one with wires in case the Bluetooth one runs out of battery.

I’ve learned the hard way that cheap headphones (<$20.00) are not worth the money because they are not manufactured to last the wear-and-tear that headphones will endure. Your law student is going to be using these headphones for all-day study sessions so you can’t cheap out either.

Therefore, you should get your law student at least one pair of decent headphones that will last for at least one or two years that will help them study and get the best grades they they can.

3 – Candles

Law school is (allegedly) very stressful, and we are all about our self-care here on FIRE Esquire. So the next item of your law school are package is a candle or candle set.

I love burning incenses, diffusing oils, or burning candles when I’m stress out. It always seems to help after a while. In fact, studies have shown that scented candles and other certain scents can help relieve anxiety and stress.

So do your law student a favor and pack one of these candles in your next care package:

A great Law School Care Package should address the recipient’s potential stress and help them on their self-care journey. Law School is demanding mentally. According to another study, 42 percent of law student think that they need help for mental health problems yet only about half actually receive help.

4 – Mug or Tumbler

Confession: I have had over 75 mugs in my lifetime. I love a good mug. I drink everything out of mugs, even juice. They are the perfect cup!

I’ve bought vanity mugs, glass mugs, porcelain, glass, plastic, and even one made of stone. A new mug is always a good gift, especially since I drink tea and coffee daily.

And in law school I’m going to be drinking lots of coffee… and alcohol…

A good mug isn’t hard to come by and the options are endless. But I like a little fun in my mugs so I’ve listed a self-mixing mug, which uses a magnet in the cup to mix your drink, a glass mag, and two traveler’s mugs. You can get your law student’s initial on one of them too.

5 – Mini-Journals

Sometime you can’t take notes on your phone without looking like a tool. With all the networking lawyers have to do, a handy-dandy notebook will be extra valuable to your law student.

I’m not much of a hand-writer. Actually, my penmanship is terrible, and I can barely read my own handwriting. However, I do have a small notebook (or two.. or three.. or four..) in case I need to jot anything important down.

Additionally, having this notebook can be an outlet for your law student to journal their thoughts and law school journey.

A quality mini-journal or notebook would be an excellent addition to your next law school care package.

6 – Healthy Snacks

Honestly, what is a care package without some food?

I’m not going to pretend to be the most health-conscious person. Rather, I’m a bit of a foodie and a mess. I like my carbs and other satiating foods. I listed a few snacks that have satisfied me and my unhealthy taste buds, but they are actually super healthy and tasty.

Your law student is going to be studying a lot. And these snacks can help indulge their cravings to help them last through their lengthy study sessions.

7 – Face Scrub or Mask

When I was depressed, I totally neglected my physical appearance and health. And it’s something that has a snowball effect on a lot of other things in my life. I didn’t feel good, so I didn’t take care of myself. I didn’t take care of myself so I did’t look good. Then because I didn’t look good, I continued to not feel good.

I also have dermatillomania and I have periods of time where I pick at my face and body daily. As you can imagine, my skin has taken a beating over the years of this treatment.

A good face mask or face scrub in a care package always brightens my day and gives me a good excuse to take care of myself and my appearance. Here are a few that I’ve heard great things about:

Nothing feels greater than a spa day, especially after a challenging week. Sending a skin mask or scrub to a stressed student could turn their weeks around.

8 – Over-the-Counter Medicines

Ok, let’s be frank. People get sick. Stuff happens.

However, these professors don’t care. Law School exams can’t wait because of the common cold or the sniffles. And lawyers work through their illnesses while forcing everyone working under them to be exposed to their sick..

Here are some over-the-counter medicines you can pack into your law school care package to bring it to the next level:

If your law student gets sick – which will inevitably happen – and they can’t skip a beat, some ibuprofen and cough drops will save them a lot of stress and suffering.

9 – Portable Phone Charger

Another good idea is to get the portable phone charger for your law student’s cell phone. Trust me. Portable chargers are underutilized and underrated.

Everyone uses their smartphones for almost everything from note-taking to banking. Your law student’s phone is bound to die during a long study session or night of networking events.

If you have ever been at the library at 2:00am and left your phone charger at home, you know the struggle. Get that charger for your law student ASAP.

10 – Coffee or Tea

Another with the mug and healthy snacks, your law student is going to love something to drink in that mug to wash those snacks down.

Also, getting your law student some coffee or tea in your care package may help them save some money on buying coffee drinks on the way to class or their internship.

What many people don’t know is that some strains of tea have distinguishable amounts of caffeine. Instead of chugging down a $5.00 coffee drink (Yes, I’m talking about Starbucks), send your law student a pack of tea samples. Yerba Mate and matcha will not only keep them up studying, but herbal coffees will then help them sleep.

I’ve listed teas above due to their versatility. I must admit that I love coffee as much as the next addict. But more people should consider tea too. Try ’em out.

If you use any of these ideas in your nest law school care package, elt me know how it goes.


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