I got the Maryland Student Loan Tax Credit!

Ok, update time!

I received the student loan tax credit I told you all about in my post how to claim Maryland student loan debt relief tax credit. But before I reveal how much of a tax credit, let’s recap where I am and my qualifications:

I currently live in the great State of Maryland, which offers a tax credit up to $5,000.00 as long as you live in Maryland, file state income taxes, have incurred at least $20,000.00 in student loans, and have at least $5000.00 balance as the time you apply for the credit.

I’ll soon post my financial picture, but for now, lets simply say I qualify for the student debt tax credit.

I graduated from college in May 2017 from a university out-of-state, and since I graduated, I’ve been living in the DC suburbs of Maryland.

Here is the rub: If you meet the above qualifications AND attended a university in Maryland, you are prioritized over other people who attended out-of-state schools.

You can imagine what this means….

I only received $883.00.

Now, don’t get me wrong… I’m grateful. This is essentially FREE MONEY. I spent less than $13.00 on postage, certified mail, return receipt to send in my application. I’m not the one to bite the hands that feeds me. At the end of the day, I still received a tax credit that I can apply to my student loans.

However, I was a bit disappointed when I saw I wasn’t getting a few grand back. That would’ve made a substantial dent in my modest student loan balance.

Call me greedy, but I immediately hopped online to figure out what I did wrong and how I can get more in 2019.

Apparently, all out-of-state recipients received $883.00 and all in-state recipients received $1,000.00.

So I’m not special… I’m just lucky to live in Maryland.

Each year I’m definitely going to re-apply to this program. The state of Maryland has made the process even easier by allowing applicants to e-mail their information in each year.

I’ll look forward to my yearly check no matter how small from this student loan tax credit program.

If you also live in Maryland, remember to check how to claim Maryland student loan debt relief tax credit.


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