The Benefits of Online Law School


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, current and immediately incoming law students shifted to online law school. I’ve not-so-affectionately called this phenomenon “Zoom School of Law” because most law schools offered all of their courses and resources through the popular video conferencing platform, Zoom. Despite warranted skepticism regarding the online model, I’ve experienced many benefits of online law school. Whether your law school offers an online program or course, here are some of the benefits of online law school:


One of the biggest advantages of the Online Law School is its convenience. Students can attend classes and complete coursework all from the comfort of their own homes. Instead of wasting time on lengthy commutes, Online Law School allows students to better balance their studies with other commitments, such as work or family. Also, many students moved home to live with their families or lived farther away from expensive areas to cut costs. I personally took a lot of midday naps.

I lived in Maryland so that I can pay $850 in rent instead of $1,960 for a studio in DC. The low rent came in handy when my law school didn’t disperse my financial aid check until after the semester ended.


Additionally, the Online Law School also offers a high degree of flexibility. Students can access recorded course materials and lectures at any time. Recording allows student to work at their own pace and on their own schedule. This can be particularly beneficial for students who have other commitments. Additionally, students who prefer to study during non-traditional hours or who are neurodiverse can also study optimally. I was able to squeeze in more mastery and review of class materials because I did not have to move far from my desk in between classes.

Additionally, online law schools can recruit faculty from across the country instead of sticking to the local area for talent. Accordingly, law schools in rural or less populated areas can offer a wider range of courses and specializations than they normally could’ve. Also, online law schools can offer more flexible schedules because classes no longer have to fight for classroom space. This can be particularly beneficial for students who need to work while pursuing their degree.

My Wills & Trusts professor taught the class while she lived in Georgia.


Diversity & Access

For students with physical disabilities or chronic illnesses, attending traditional classes can be physically challenging or even impossible. Students may miss classes due to their physical condition or may not be able to participate fully in classroom activities. Additionally, the risk of COVID-19 prevents immunocompromised students or students with immunocompromised family members from pursuing their academic goals in a traditional setting.

However, online classes can provide a more accessible and inclusive option. By allowing students to attend class online, they can participate in classroom activities without the usual obstacles. Additionally, the inclusion of students with disabilities can lead to more diverse perspectives and experiences within the online classroom, enriching the learning experience for all students.


The Zoom School of Law era of legal education presented a lot of challenges, but there have also been great benefits for some of us. I found that online law school is more convenient, flexible, and inclusive than the traditional law school model. While it may not be the right fit for everyone, it is certainly worth considering for those who are seeking a legal education without the traditional constraints of a physical campus.


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